writing your personal statement

Writing your personal statement can be frustrating. But not getting into your dream school can be even more frustrating. I’m Stephen Allan, a Duke University graduate with over a decade of editing experience and over 500 college application essays worked on, and I’m here to ease your frustrations with your essays and help you achieve your dreams. 

Your Admissions Problem

To the universities you dream of getting into and their admissions committee, in every way but one, you are a series of numbers.

Your GPA. Your test scores. The number of awards you’ve won in your extracurriculars.

These days, with the quantity of high-quality students, those numbers can blur together. An admissions committee might read hundreds of applications in a day with perfect numbers.

If those numbers alone got you into Harvard, Stanford, or Duke, you could know for certain you’d get in.

But you don’t. Students with perfect GPAs and test scores routinely get rejected from top-tier schools. The competition is fierce, and nothing guarantees admission.

And at this point in the game, you can’t change much.

You Can Still Improve Your Chances

But there is one way, even now, that you can rise above the rest of the candidates. There is one way you can make yourself so memorable, the admissions committee can’t help but want to see you in the incoming class. There is one way to significantly boost your odds of getting into your dream school.

Your personal statement essay.

There is one way, even now,
that you can rise above the rest of the candidates.
Your personal statement essay.

But if you’re here, it’s because you know writing is a difficult skill to handle, let alone to master. Trying to convey your life story through a writing style you’ve never learned seems impossibly daunting (and justifiably so).

You stare at the college application essay you just wrote, wondering why anyone would bother to read it. Or, worse, you stare at the blank page, wondering how you can possibly write something that Princeton will consider excellent.

Why You Should Hire Me

That’s where I can help.

I got into Duke 11 years ago on the basis of my powerful, emotional personal statement, and since that time, I’ve helped hundreds of students reach their dream school. I’ve edited, written, and brainstormed hundreds of essays for students applying from everything to a state scholarship to an Ivy League school to an elite medical school program.

But more than that, I’ve helped students achieve their dreams.

And I want to help you achieve yours, too.

Essays Edited

Years of Experience

Schools Applied To

Let’s Work Together

So click on the button below and let’s help you get into your dream school.

The eBook

In this book, I’ve provided the knowledge accumulated from over a decade of writing and editing and over four hundred essays I’ve worked on. I’ll show you:
Universal writing tips with specific examples
The process I use for every essay, including my writing setup and the number of drafts I write
Specific tips for the personal statement, common app prompts, and other essays
A list of several of my favorite books on writing
Writing a college essay can feel frustrating, especially since you’ve never learned how. But with this book, you’ll learn everything you need to know  guaranteed, or your money back
crafting the perfect personal statement